Corporate Social Responsibility
of Tequendama Hoteles
At Tequendama Hotels we are aware of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) as a fundamental pillar of our identity. Through various initiatives and commitments, we seek to contribute positively to our communities, take care of the environment, and guarantee exceptional experiences for our employees and guests.
Our CSR translates into concrete actions that reflect our commitment to sustainability, social welfare and quality in all aspects of our operation.
Employees Tequendama Hoteles
Each one of our collaborators performs an important mission in our hotels, becoming fundamental pillars for its growth and the personal development of each one. Tequendama Hoteles constantly seeks to strengthen and enhance their skills through learning activities and new challenges that encourage them to be better professionals and achieve a better position within our hotel group. Every year we allocate resources to improve the professional level of each member of our team and thus achieve high standards of quality and service for each of our visitors.
Club Tequendama Hoteles
Being part of the Tequendama Hoteles group offers the possibility of accessing exclusive benefits through our Tequendama Rewards program. The principle of this is to offer new users and recurring customers the possibility of obtaining competitive advantages and exclusive services for reservations in our group of hotels.
Integrated management systems policy Tequendama Society
The Tequendama Society establishes its commitment to quality, environmental management, occupational health and safety, and safety management, through the allocation of required human, physical, financial, and technological resources, with the higher purpose of consolidating a patrimony that contributes to the construction of the legacy for the military with retirement allowance and their families.
Aware of the importance of maintaining sustainable development, it is committed to carrying out adequate management of its activities by anticipating the reduction of the environmental impact of our facility and operations, contributing to improving the environmental quality of the environment and strengthening social responsibility and business of the Tequendama society.
Likewise, it seeks to guarantee the safety and quality of the food it supplies in the different business units, satisfying the demands, requirements and expectations of customers, through compliance with applicable legal requirements to maintain food safety.
It is also committed to meeting the requirements of sustainable tourism, which includes environmental, sociocultural and economic management programs.
The company is committed to the safety and health at work of all members, seeking to prevent the generation of occupational diseases and work accidents that can be generated by working conditions, promoting physical, mental and social well-being.
This institutional policy is articulated with the strategic management policy of the integrated planning and management model.